Descarca Norman Security Suite 11 Licenta Gratis

Descarca Norman Security Suite 11 Licenta Gratis

Norman Security Suite 11 serial Gratuit, avand o vechime pe piata de peste 30 de ani se presupune a fi si un produs de calitate, adevarul insa este ca in ultimul timp au cam dezamagit, dar noile versiuni promite mult, sa vedem ce anume promite:[ads4]

  • Improved user experience – The new interface is simple to navigate and includes pragmatic default settings.
  • Better protection, blocking and cleaning tools – The redesigned antimalware engine offers better protection through identifying, blocking and cleaning all types of threats.
  • Enhanced personal firewall – The program incorporates an intelligent personal firewall that protects content while recognizing trusted sources without disrupting your online activities.
  • Cloud-based real time protection – The program accesses real time information to identify threats and prevent access to malicious sites.
  • More effective parental controls – It’s easier and more intuitive to set up parental controls to ensure that children are safe on the internet.
  • Powerful privacy tools – The program automatically clears browser history and securely deletes files.
  • Less impact on PC performance – The system footprint is smaller, dramatically reducing the initial load and running environment. Your PC will run better and faster.
  • Windows 10 Compatible

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Descarca Norman Security Suite 11 Licenta Gratis
Descarca Norman Security Suite 11 Licenta Gratis
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  1. Am testat un laptop pe care a fost instalat acest antivirus acum 6 luni,la scanare de virusi cu norton s-a dovedit curat,de la mine primeste o nota bun in privinta detectiei si protectiei in timp real,deoarece pe acel laptop nu sa facut nici o scanare cu el pana acum.

  2. in tarile occidentale sunt multe firme care cumpara acest antivirus,am cautat teste de eficienta pt. el dar nu am gasit

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