Shining Blu-ray Player Licenta Gratis

Shining Blu-ray Player Licenta Gratis

Blu-ray Player all-in-one, DVD player, Player video HD, Player 4K UHD, Player video 3D, Player video SD și All Music Player.[ads4]

Toate fișierele pot fi redate de Blu-ray Shining Player
Blu-ray: BD-R 1.1 / BD-RE 2.1, BD-R 2.0 / BD-RE 3.0, BDROM 2.2, BD-J,
DVD: DVD-VCR, DVD-VR, DVD + VR, disc DVD, fișier IFO, fișier ISO DVD
Videoclipuri SD / HD: MTS, MTS, MTS, MP4, MP4, MP4, MP4, MP4, MP4, MP4, MP4, MP4, MP4, MP4, MP4, MP4, MP4, MP4, , RMVB, WMV, ASF, MKV, SWF, F4V, VOB, DAT, DV, DIF, OGM, WTV, DVR-MS, Video Bink și WebM.
Fișierele muzicale: FLAC, WAV, WMA, AAC, ALAC, AC3, AIFF, AMR, AU, MP3, MP2, M4A, MKA și OGG.[ads2]

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Shining Blu-ray Player Licenta Gratis
Shining Blu-ray Player Licenta Gratis

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